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Surfacing ESG Data and Research

Align Investments With Investors' Sustainable Values

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See What’s New

We’ll show you how you can use ESG data alongside other factors in Morningstar OfficeSM and Morningstar Direct.SM See what's driving a fund’s Sustainability Rating using our full dashboard of ESG data and metrics.

ESG Data for Asset Managers

Create sustainable products and use benchmarks to evaluate how funds stack up.
Conduct competitive analysis by screening funds on sustainability factors.
Assess how companies in a portfolio manage carbon risk.

ESG Data for Advisors and Wealth Managers

Select suitable ESG funds and stocks that align with investor values.
Monitor a fund’s ESG factors and perform ESG stock research to construct portfolios.
Help investors identify low-carbon funds.

How You Can Get It

Gain access to our sustainability and carbon metrics through Morningstar OfficeSMand Morningstar Direct.SM

Independent Advisor
Wealth Management
Asset Management

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