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Emerging-Markets Fixed-Income Report

Emerging-markets bonds are recovering in performance, though the path ahead won’t be smooth.

In 2022, emerging markets bonds experienced one of the most aggressive selloffs in fixed-income markets in recent decades. Now, however, they are rebounding with recovering performance, presenting new investment opportunities in emerging-markets fixed-income funds.

Our latest report on emerging-markets bonds takes an in-depth look at current fixed-income trends, bond fund flows, global considerations, future outlooks, and more.

Get the full report now to find new emerging-markets bond investment strategies to bolster your clients’ portfolios.

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Research Library Emerging-Markets Fixed-Income Report

What's Inside:

  • Performance analysis of emerging-markets bonds and indexes from 2022 through the first quarter of 2024 
  • Geopolitical considerations and investor sentiment toward fixed-income funds 
  • How emerging-markets bond managers should tactfully navigate the market 

Get the Report