Investing in Times of Climate Change - A Global View
Investing in Times of Climate Change - A Global View
Navigating the Global Climate-Focused Fund Landscape.
Climate change poses one of the biggest long-term threats of our time. It impacts not only how we live but also how we invest. In recent years, new investment funds have been launched to allow investors to build portfolios with a climate lens.
Despite the challenging macro environment, climate funds have exhibited resilience, reaching new highs as investors seek options to mitigate climate risks and leverage climate investment opportunities.
This report provides an update on the global climate-focused fund landscape to help investors navigate what can be a confusing mix of offerings as they seek to decarbonise their portfolios and invest in climate solutions.
What's Inside
What's Inside
- An overview of how to invest in climate change across available funds.
- Identifying low-carbon economy investments and climate solutions.
- Insights into resilience and performance of climate funds amidst challenging macro environments.
Find out more about Morningstar's Climate Investment Solutions