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Non-GHG Air Emissions: Investors Unable to Breathe Easy

Lower profile than carbon, non-greenhouse gas air emissions remain a significant public health concern that poses ESG risk to investors.

Given the current public focus on environmental risks, regulatory agencies are likely to take greater action to curb emissions, which means polluting companies could face increased compliance costs. Investors need to be aware of these risks to mitigate them in their portfolios.

This report evaluates the material risks of air pollution for companies and their shareholders.

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Research Library Non-GHG Air Emissions: Investors Unable to Breathe...

What's Inside:

  • An analysis of 31 subindustries where non-greenhouse gas air emissions may pose ESG risk.
  • An explainer on four material ESG risks for air polluters.
  • A short list of stock picks that could shield investors from ESG risk.

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