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Why Is Lithium Americas Stock So Cheap?

Why Is Lithium Americas Stock So Cheap?
Securities In This Article
Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp

Andrew Willis: New subsidies for products that run on locally sourced lithium in the U.S. have investors eyeing companies like Lithium Americas Corp. LAC, sending stocks rallying in the wake of the Inflation Reduction Act.

The extent of the lithium opportunity, however, may still be underappreciated by investors, as senior equity analyst Seth Goldstein sees the local lithium market being undersupplied until 2030 as we stand at only one extraction operation in the U.S., with Albemarle. And globally, Lithium Americas is leaning on multiple projects in places like Argentina to supply demand we predict will grow 20% annually until the end of the decade.

Lithium Americas is developing a project in Nevada, which could increase U.S. output nearly fiftyfold if it can move forward, but it currently faces legal opposition from environmental activists. But we think the company will prevail. After all, the company aims to produce enough lithium every year for nearly 5 million electric vehicles.

For Morningstar, I'm Andrew Willis. Check out to watch Why Is Air Canada Stock So Cheap?

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Andrew Willis

Senior Editor
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Andrew Willis is senior editor for Morningstar Canada, covering stocks, alternative assets, funds, and personal finance. He is the writer and host of two weekly stock features, including Morningstar's Stock of the Week.

Willis previously produced content for Fidelity Investments and finance industry events for Euromoney Institutional Investor. He has also written for Thomson Reuters and CNN.

Willis holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Bishop's University and a master's degree in journalism from the University of Hong Kong. Follow him on Twitter @Andrew_M_Willis.

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