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Reimagine your
retirement business.

Investment Management for Registered Advisors

Leverage your firm’s investment experience and streamline the rest.

With advisor managed accounts, plan sponsors and participants get access to the personalized advice they’re looking for, while registered investment advisers (RIAs) get a platform to help them deliver their service on a wider scale.

The Difference of Advisor Managed Accounts

Leverage Your Experience

As the RIA, you create the underlying plan-specific investment portfolios. Then, our proprietary portfolio-assignment methodology will assign participants to an asset allocation tailored to their individual situations and goals by combining the portfolios you created.

Connect With Recordkeepers

The service is designed to integrate with a range of recordkeepers to help ensure coverage across your advisors’ books of retirement business. Should you have a preferred recordkeeper that’s not a part of our network, we’ll work with you to try and incorporate them.

Deliver a Holistic Experience

Advisor managed accounts use Morningstar® Retirement ManagerSM—a user interface that incorporates our best design thinking. Participants receive tailored savings and withdrawal advice, a customized investment strategy, and ongoing management through our managed accounts service.

Receive Ongoing Support

With more plans seeking out digital advice, advisor managed accounts are designed to help you strengthen your relationships and attract new clients. Plus, you’ll be supported by our nationwide sales team and may qualify for training sessions, finals presentations, annual plan reviews, and on-site participant support.

Why Work With Morningstar Investment Management?

For more than 20 years, we've helped pioneer the delivery of digital advice.

Industry Leadership

Morningstar Investment Management, a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc., developed and launched one of the first robo-advice programs in the industry. We currently manage $116.27 billion in assets.1

Integrated Capabilities

We are a leading provider of discretionary investment management and advisory services, backed by a global investment management team2 that brings together core capabilities in asset allocation, investment selection, and portfolio construction.

Broad Reach

As one of the largest managed retirement accounts providers in the retirement industry, we serve more than 127,000 plans through 23 plan providers and our participant reach for managed accounts currently exceeds 1.8 million users.1

Award-Winning Research

We apply proprietary research and sophisticated investment techniques to design portfolios and services that support the needs of financial advisors, plan providers, and plan sponsors and help investors reach their financial goals.3

Ready to transform your retirement business?

Get in touch today to learn more about integrating advisor managed accounts into your retirement practice.

1As of June 30, 2022.
2Morningstar's Investment Management group includes certain subsidiaries of Morningstar Inc. that are authorized in the appropriate jurisdiction to provide advisory services.
3Graham and Dodd, Montgomery-Warschauer, and Harry M. Markowitz Awards granted for financial writing based on research by Ibbotson Associates and Morningstar, Inc. or its subsidiaries. Ibbotson Associates was merged into Morningstar Investment Management LLC on December 31, 2015.

Managed Accounts is offered by Morningstar Investment Management LLC and is intended for citizens or legal residents of the United States or its territories. The portfolios available to you through Managed Accounts are created by an investment adviser (the “IA”) chosen by your employer. Morningstar Investment Management LLC, a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc., is responsible for choosing the portfolio for your retirement plan account from those created by the IA. The IA is not affiliated with Morningstar Investment Management and Morningstar Investment Management is not responsible for the portfolios the IA creates. The IA is not responsible for the portfolio selection made by Morningstar Investment Management for you, nor for other recommendations made by Morningstar Investment Management through Managed Accounts. Investment advice delivered by Morningstar Investment Management is based on information provided and limited to the investment options available in your retirement plan. Projections and other information regarding the likelihood of various retirement income and/or investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual results, and are not guarantees of future results. Results may vary with each use and over time.