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Morningstar Blended Portfolios

Taking advantage of active and passive investment opportunities gives investors access to the best of both worlds.

Professionally managed, multi-asset investment solutions with clearly defined goals. We align our goals to that of our investors — to grow your wealth sensibly — investing when, and where, it makes sense to do so.



The potential for return is greater and potential loss is lower if you purchase investments that are currently undervalued by other investors…

Capital Preservation

We don't invest if the reward isn't worth the risk. We're comfortable being patient, searching and waiting for the right opportunities.

Quality and Cost Conscious

It’s not just about value. We focus on buying quality investments at attractive prices. We do this by undertaking comprehensive research to understand the fundamental drivers behind each opportunity.

True Diversification

You’re less exposed to the risks of investing when your money is spread across a mix of different underlying investments that complement each other.


Why invest in the portfolios?

  • Flexible and adaptable—uses active and passive investment vehicles to give you the best access to investment opportunities at any given time.
  • A global team of investment professionals working around the clock on behalf of our investors.
  • Built for growth - long-term investment solution designed to build weath to fund your goals.
  • More money in your pocket - our fee is minited to 0.20%.

How are the portfolios managed?

We focus on creating a diversified portfolio of qualified investments. Our investment management capabilities give investors access to an unparalleled depth and breadth of research. This means having the peace of mind that we're able to pinpoint specific sources of returns across an unmatched range of investment opportunities, enabling us to build portfolios of the very best investment opportunities designed to work together to achieve your financial goals.


What are the portfolios invested in?

Using both passive and active investments, the portfolios invest across a range of asset classes such as equities, fixed interest, and cash—where and when it makes sense to do so.

Unlock the power of Morningstar Inc.’s Data and Research within Morningstar Blended Portfolios.


Morningstar Investment Management Europe Ltd has arrangements with our parent company, Morningstar Inc. providing access to their global database, one of the largest and highest quality in the world, and analysts’ ratings and research reports. Access to leading data and research, further informs the fund selection process we use in our Blended Portfolios.

Morningstar Blended Portfolios

Our range of Blended Portfolios are built to meet the needs of investors no matter their life stage or risk tolerance – whether they’re just starting out or in retirement. Download the info sheet for more information.

Latest Investment Insights - Our Investment management and support teams are ready to keep you up-to-date on our latest thinking.

Our Recent Awards


This content on this website does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice and is supplied for information purposes only. Morningstar Investment Management Europe Limited cannot guarantee positive results from our investment decisions, and we cannot guarantee that our portfolios will meet your objectives or that losses will be avoided in any of the portfolios. Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. The information presented herein will be deemed to be superseded by any subsequent versions made available on this website.

The Morningstar Investment Management group comprises Morningstar Inc.’s registered entities worldwide, including Morningstar Investment Management Europe Limited which is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority to provide services to Professional clients and is the entity providing the investment management services. Registered in England under company number: 05732689. Registered office: 1 Oliver's Yard, 55-71 City Road, London, EC1Y 1HQ. Morningstar’s fund research and rating activities are not undertaken by Morningstar Investment Management Europe and as such, are not regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. Morningstar International Portfolios are only available through an appropriately authorised and regulated financial adviser.

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