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Why Clients Leave Financial Advisors

Learn the motivations behind why investors fire financial advisors and how you can be an exception

There’s more to advising than money – and no, that’s not a joke!

Despite investment expertise and other qualifications, clients still choose to leave their financial advisors. So, why is this the case? The answer to this question is multifaceted and emphasizes the importance of the personal side of finance.

The findings in this report suggest that investors’ decisions are not solely based on cost and return performance but extend to the quality of the relationship and communication. Demographic factors also play a considerable role. For example, investors with higher income, more investable assets, and greater financial literacy are more likely to have fired an investor in the past and been more discerning about the quality of advice and services they receive.

Download this report now to read client data about where financial advisors fall short, and strategies to improve client retention.

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What's Inside our Research:

  • An in-depth exploration of why clients leave financial advisors 
  • Guidance on improving financial advisor client retention 
  • Analysis of common mistakes advisors make, contributing to their failure 

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