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ESG Industry Landscape Report: U.S. Oil and Gas

U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Outlook

The U.S. oil and gas industry faces critical ESG risks, including carbon and non-greenhouse gas emissions, community relations, and occupational health and safety, which are pivotal for investors. Despite the global push for decarbonization, oil and gas remain essential due to demand in sectors like shipping, aviation, and petrochemicals.

While media often highlights oil spills, they pose relatively low financial risks for midstream stocks, though stricter air quality regulations may emerge due to the industry's emissions. Nonetheless, the industry presents strong investment opportunities, especially as companies are making strides to reduce carbon emissions and enhance collaboration with indigenous communities to maintain their social license to operate.

Download this report now for more on energy sector performance and to responsibly invest within this industry.

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What’s Inside:

  • Detailed analysis of ESG risks in the oil and gas industry 
  • Future challenges regarding oil demand and decarbonization 
  • Stock picks with ESG ratings and insights into various oil and gas companies 

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