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Retirement Income

More on Retirement Income

Retirees: Here’s What Your Portfolio Withdrawal Rate Should Be in 2024

Guaranteed income sources like Social Security and annuities can impact portfolio spending.

Get a Tax-Smart Plan for In-Retirement Withdrawals

Consider these strategies to stretch out your tax savings during your retirement years.

What Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman Can (and Cannot) Accomplish

Their advice suits workers better than retirees.

How Retirement Spending Works in the Real World

You may be able to spend more than you think.

A Retiree’s Guide to Guaranteed Income

We compare Social Security, TIPS, annuities, and more.

Can You Safely Spend More Early in Retirement?

There’s little room for error.

An 8% Retirement Withdrawal Rate?

A radio host advocates no small plans.

Should Your Retirement Withdrawals Fluctuate With the Market?

Investors could benefit from flexible spending strategies.

John Rekenthaler and Amy Arnott: What’s a Safe Retirement Spending Rate Today?

Amy Arnott and John Rekenthaler discuss Morningstar’s latest research, including flexible withdrawal strategies, guaranteed income sources, and TIPS ladders.

The Good News on Safe Withdrawal Rates

Our annual study suggests that new retirees can spend more from their portfolios.

Should You Delay Taking Social Security Benefits?

A deep dive into calculating your retirement payouts.

Social Security for Beginners, Part I

When should you start your retirement benefit?

How To Not Outlive Your Money

When it comes to finding a safe withdrawal rate in retirement, flexibility is the key.

How To Balance Your Lifestyle and a Safe Withdrawal Rate in Retirement

Retirees may not need to take a fixed real withdrawal amount over their retirements. Here’s why.

Should You Retire in a Bear Market or in a Bull Market?

Starting conditions can play a big role in determining a safe withdrawal rate for your retirement portfolio.

Retirement Asset Allocation: Incorporating Guaranteed Income

When should investors hold more equities?

Retiring Earlier Than Expected? How to Manage Your Finances

How to calculate cash flows and generate supplemental income if you’re retiring sooner than you’d planned. 

Retirement in America: Were We Better Off 50 Years Ago?

Examining nostalgia for the golden age of retirement.

7 Steps to Estimating Your In-Retirement Cash Flow Needs

Rules of thumb may be too high for affluent retirees with high savings rates, but healthcare costs are a major swing factor.

The Best Current Sources of Retirement Income

Treasury bonds, TIPS ladders, or annuities? None are perfect, but each can be useful.

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