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An illustration of Publishing System showing a custom report dashboard, an income portfolio benchmark report, and a net zero alignment projection graph.

Publishing System

Use our turnkey document management solution to centralize and securely deliver quality factsheets, regulatory documents, and marketing communications. Outsource report production completely or weave Morningstar Publishing System into your current report generation process for greater efficiency.

Morningstar’s end-to-end document production service helps you create sophisticated investment reports—according to your own specifications—so you can focus less on administrative tasks and more on building your business.

Your Reports—Built to Your Specifications

Work with Morningstar-designed templates or specify your own unique design, data, and delivery requirements, and we’ll build report templates to your exact specifications. Use our extensive investment database, your own custom data and content—or both.

Illustration of Morningstar-designed templates showing information including performance since inception, asset allocation, and investment growth.

Outsource the Hassle and Maintain Control

Choose how involved your firm should be in document production and distribution, with options to manage the workflow entirely or completely outsource the process to us.

Illustration of reports dashboard and how to create a new production run.

Tell Your Sustainability Story

Show how you can meet investors’ preferences for socially responsible investing with our ESG fund and company-level datasets and proprietary ratings.

Illustration of climate index fund rating and a net zero alignment projection graph for portfolio low carbon transition rating.

Address Regulatory Guidelines

Respond to regulation confidently by adding Morningstar data and calculations into documents that can be created in a multitude of languages and distributed directly to regulators.

Illustration of Morningstar-designed templates showing information including performance since inception, asset allocation, and investment growth.
Illustration of reports dashboard and how to create a new production run.
Illustration of climate index fund rating and a net zero alignment projection graph for portfolio low carbon transition rating.

Let’s Collaborate

Connect With a Specialist

See how Publishing System can help you save time and create quality reports.